Academic Year 2022/2023 - 4° Year
Docente: Luigi ALINI
Crediti: 10
SSD: ICAR/12 - Architectural technology
Organizzazione didattica: 250 ore d'impegno totale, 170 di studio individuale, 80 di lezione frontale

Expected Learning Outcomes

The strategic dimension of the project, the 'process management', the connections between technique, technology and design, between design and advanced industrial production with particular attention to environmental aspects are the training objectives of the course.

The prefigured objectives will be pursued through the study of architectural works (case studies), through 'Construction Site Lessons' held in the production sites as well as through a themed design exercise.

Course Structure

The lessons include some intermediate exercises, in order to verify the learning status, and a final theoretical-design test

Required Prerequisites

The topics addressed in the course require knowledge of the general characteristics of construction systems in masonry, c.c.a., steel, wood and more generally of the building process connected to the programming, design and construction of an architectural work.

Detailed Course Content

The topics addressed in the course require knowledge of the general characteristics of construction systems in masonry, c.c.a., steel, wood and more generally of the building process connected to the programming, design and construction of an architectural work

he strategic dimension of the architectural project, the multidisciplinary management and the different 'process directions' are the reference cultural background.

The understanding of the different management models will be developed through the understanding of:


Administrative aspects. The new public procurement code

- Planning, programming and design

- Levels of planning

- Project approval and validation procedure

- Strategic planning, the 'fourth level' of planning


 Management aspects

- Architecture as an industrial product

- The Team work. Fragmentation and transversality of skills

- The direction of the trial

- Project Management

- Construction Management


 Executive Aspects

- Design and construction

- The context of the project

- The productive structures of complexity

- The thresholds of innovation

Textbook Information

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment of the level of learning and the knowledge acquired will take place through a classroom check at the end of each 'didactic module', as well as through the presentation by the students of a report on the contents of the 'Classroom Lessons' and the' Worksite Lessons '. To these two 'intermediate' checks is added the evaluation of the design exercise assigned as the 'theme' of the year.