Academic Year 2022/2023 - 2° Year
Docente: Rita Maria VALENTI
Crediti: 12
SSD: ICAR/17 - Drawing
Organizzazione didattica: 300 ore d'impegno totale, 156 di studio individuale, 144 di laboratorio
Semestre: Insegnamento annuale

Expected Learning Outcomes

This course continues the didactic path started in the previous learning experience of descriptive geometry. It is structured in such a way that the student can perceive more consciously that the exercise of the representation does not just means knowing how to draw in a sheet of paper the shape of an object, but it involves continuous search of the mental-visual condition to better understand the deeper organizational space structure. It cannot be well represented without understanding the underlying rules. To this end, the course aims to provide the theoretical notions and basic practices to better understand and represent the architectural and urban space.

Close attention is payed to the relief, understood as knowledge and relational interpretation - which brings together heterogeneity, things recognized and composed in the mind of the researcher - and as a critical-cognitive process, investigating the architectural, urban and archaeological object from a geometric point of view, by identifying relationships with context and history.

Qualifications that signify completion of the second cycle are awarded to students who:

1. have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends and/or enhances that typically associated with the first cycle, and that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context;

2. can apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study;

3. have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments;

4. can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously;

5. have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely selfdirected or autonomous.

Course Structure

The course aims to teach the students the knowledge of Drawing and Survey of Architecture, through both frontal lessons and practice exercises. The theoretical foundations of the Architecture Design will be traced back to the identification of the genesis of form.

The use of three-dimensional models leads to a representation method based on continuous verification.

The theoretical part is articulated in lessons about the methods of representation and the conventions of the architectural design. Whereas, practical exercises include reading and redesigning contemporary architectural objects.

The Architecture Survey Module provides students with the cultural tools to properly tackle the definition of a methodological approach to survey. It focuses the attention to the operational aspects of the survey, interpreted as an essential tool for investigating and understanding historical buildings, both during the pre-existing stage and the building phase.

The course includes two different parts: frontal lessons about the general approach of an architectural survey, and practice exercises, through a direct observation experience conducted by students gathered in groups on historical architecture. The frontal lessons regard the issues and techniques of survey and the graphic restitution.

During the course, it is essential to collaborate with the Laboratory of Representation that provides the advanced instrumentation, allowing students to gradually acquire autonomous and critical knowledge of the surveying tools.

Required Prerequisites

Theoretical and applied knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the teachings of the first-year Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry and basic knowledge of Autocad and Photoshop software are considered necessary for the successful completion of the course.

Attendance of Lessons

In accordance with Article 24 of the University Teaching Regulations and point 3.1 of the Study Course Regulations, attendance is compulsory for "Laboratory" courses to the extent of at least 70% of the total number of hours. Reduced compulsory attendance is recognised up to a maximum of 20% for students in the status of student worker, student athlete, student in a difficult situation or student with disabilities (Art. 27 of the RDA and Regulations for the recognition of the status of student worker, student athlete, student in a difficult situation and student with disabilities - R.D. no. 1598 of 2/5/2018).

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to teach the students the knowledge of Drawing and Survey of Architecture, through both frontal lessons and practice exercises. The theoretical foundations of the Architecture Design will be traced back to the identification of the genesis of form.

The use of three-dimensional models leads to a representation method based on continuous verification.

The theoretical part is articulated in lessons about the methods of representation and the conventions of the architectural design. Whereas, practical exercises include reading and redesigning contemporary architectural objects.

The Architecture Survey Module provides students with the cultural tools to properly tackle the definition of a methodological approach to survey. It focuses the attention to the operational aspects of the survey, interpreted as an essential tool for investigating and understanding historical buildings, both during the pre-existing stage and the building phase.

The course includes two different parts: frontal lessons about the general approach of an architectural survey, and practice exercises, through a direct observation experience conducted by students gathered in groups on historical architecture. The frontal lessons regard the issues and techniques of survey and the graphic restitution.

During the course, it is essential to collaborate with the Laboratory of Representation that provides the advanced instrumentation, allowing students to gradually acquire autonomous and critical knowledge of the surveying tools.

Textbook Information

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Projective properties, projectivity and prospectivity, homologyM. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, SCIENZA DEL DISEGNO (Seconda edizione), CittàStudi Edizioni, 2017
2Central projections: vertical frame perspective, horizontal frame perspective (aerial and hyposcopic), tilted frame perspective using the homology methodA. Sgrosso, La rappresentazione geometrica dell’architettura,Torino,1996
3Sections with projecting planes inclined to the reference planes, tilting, true shape and sizeM. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, SCIENZA DEL DISEGNO (Seconda edizione), CittàStudi Edizioni, 2017
4The technical drawing of architecture: the methods of descriptive geometry for the representation of architectural space. Project drawing, freehand drawing and life drawingM. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, SCIENZA DEL DISEGNO (Seconda edizione), CittàStudi Edizioni, 2017
5Structuralism and the graphical model and operational methodology for graphical analysisE. Chiavoni, M. Docci, Saper leggere l'architettura,Edizione:Laterza,2017. 7 Convenzioni e normative grafiche del disegno tecnico.
6Conventions and graphic standards in technical drawing.Metric scales of representation in architectural drawing. The scalimeter and the graphic gridM. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Nuova edizione ampliata, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
7Surveying for the knowledge of architectural, urban and archaeological heritage. Definitions, objects and purposes. The survey phases: from data acquisition to transmission in graphic works.M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Nuova edizione ampliata, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
8The survey project: the integration of direct and indirect survey methods. Campaign operations.M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Nuova edizione ampliata, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
9Direct survey. The instruments. Subsequent partial measurements and progressive measurements. Method of orthogonal coordinates. Method of trilaterationsM. Bini, S. Bertocci, MANUALE DI RILIEVO ARCHITETTONICO E URBANO, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2012.
10The instrumental survey. Topographic instruments. Triangulation and forward intersection. Polygonation. Levelling.M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Nuova edizione ampliata, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
11Photography in surveying. Methods and tools for photogrammetric surveying. Photogrammetry, orthophotos. Perspective restitutionV. Di Grazia, Rilievo e disegno nell'archeologia e nell'architettura, Edizioni Kappa, 1991.
12New technologies for surveying architecture: the laser scannerM. Bini, S. Bertocci, MANUALE DI RILIEVO ARCHITETTONICO E URBANO, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2012.
13Thematisms of survey: the survey of materials, the survey of decay, the survey of colour L. Marino, Il rilievo per il restauro, Hoepli, 1994
14Archival, iconographic and bibliographic research for the survey.V. Di Grazia, Rilievo e disegno nell'archeologia e nell'architettura, Edizioni Kappa, 1991.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination consists of a discussion of the exercises carried out during the course and the graphic works produced on the topics of the lectures assessed according to the following criteria: Knowledge of content; Clarity of exposition; Completeness of treatment; Mastery of the technical language codified; Graphic ability.

The oral presentation may be supplemented by ex tempore drawings.