Academic Year 2024/2025 - 4° YearCredit Value: 10
Scientific field: ICAR/12 - Architectural technology
Taught classes: 24 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Expected Learning Outcomes
The strategic dimension of the project, the 'regie di processo', the connections between technique, technology and project, between project, construction and industrial production with particular attention to environmental aspects and Agenda 2030 goals are the training objectives of the course.
The prefigured objectives will be pursued through the analytical 'reading' of architectures (case studies), through 'Lessons on Construction Site', seminars held in production sites in direct contact with operators in the construction chain, as well as through thematic meetings with public sector technicians administrative, the world of industrial production and businesses. The course includes a design exercise and the development of project graphics at different scales up to the executive one.
Course Structure
The course includes classroom lessons, seminars and a final theoretical-design test
Required Prerequisites
It is necessary to know the use of the main representation and modeling software
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
The topics addressed in the course require knowledge of the general characteristics of construction systems in masonry, c.c.a., steel, wood and more generally of the building process connected to the programming, design and construction of an architectural work
he strategic dimension of the architectural project, the multidisciplinary management and the different 'process directions' are the reference cultural background.
The understanding of the different management models will be developed through the understanding of:
Administrative aspects. The new public procurement code
- Planning, programming and design
- Levels of planning
- Project approval and validation procedure
- Strategic planning, the 'fourth level' of planning
Management aspects
- Architecture as an industrial product
- The Team work. Fragmentation and transversality of skills
- The direction of the trial
- Project Management
- Construction Management
Executive Aspects
- Design and construction
- The context of the project
- The productive structures of complexity
- The thresholds of innovation
- The Executive Project
- Organize the construction site: plan and manage safety on the construction site
Textbook Information
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
- The different phases of the 'building process'
- Monitoring and coordination of design activities. The role of the Construction Manager
- Levels of design and public procurement code
- The contracting station
- Technique, Technology and Project
- The Works Manager: role and responsibilities
- The planning of the executive phases
- Security in the design phase and execution phase
- The security coordinator at execution time
- Engineering companies