Academic Year 2024/2025 - 4° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: ICAR/16 - Interior design and staging
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Expected Learning Outcomes
Knowledge of the fundamental themes of the History of Scenography (with particular reference to the period from the twentieth century to our days) and the principles of the major theorists, to strengthen the capacity to develop original ideas while monitoring their productive sustainability (recognition of the adopted technologies, of the degree of practicability provided, of adaptability to the types of stage and theater: reading of the requirements: demountability, transportability, dimensional compatibility, storage). Ability to read a scenic project in its semantic and semiological characters, with analysis of artistic references and identification of dramatic values. often subject to the construction of a complex research programme; Ability to apply knowledge to innovative themes or not yet addressed, or inserted in interdisciplinary contexts to be reconnected to your field of study; Ability to reflect on social and ethical responsibilities related to productive decisions; To be able to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous way projects or their critical readings to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors; to have developed skills that allow them to continue studying and working in the Theatre independently.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Detailed Course Content
the first one is about the radical changes of the theatrical performance and the scenic space in the twentieth century; thematic story is addressed through a historical excursus of the deep modifications that involve theatrical writing, the scenic space, the places designated to the show through emblematic case studies; the second aspect is about of theatrical production technologies, which is an interpretation of the term technology: secondly, the processes of modifying material and immaterial elements in scenic spaces will be discussed, with technological transfer from artistic and other productive fields.
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | A. Evolution of the relationship between theatre space and stage spaceB. Scene Design: techno-dramaturgical evolutions C.Production Process |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
A first practical test (to be carried out between home and classroom) will take place at the beginning of the course and will focus on a proposed stage project; a second (oral) test will be held at the end of the course (examination) It will focus on a short text of your choice and the discussion of the project (theme of the year).
The knowledge assessment will take into account the mastery of the contents and acquired skills, the lexical property, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate/ the candidate/ to.
Attendance at classes is not compulsory, but recommended. Active participation in the lessons promotes the acquisition of specific disciplinary skills and the ability to integrate knowledge related to new or unfamiliar topics, also thanks to the possibility of critical discussion of the topics covered.