Academic Year 2024/2025 - 3° YearCredit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/21 - Urban and landscape planning
Taught classes: 48 hours
Laboratories: 96 hours
Term / Semester: One-year
Expected Learning Outcomes
The aim of this laboratory is to introduce students to the study of urban planning and give them the theoretical and methodological basis of the discipline in order to help them interpret the urban and territorial phenomena and to guide them to comprehend and practice urban design through an approach to city design for parts which is different from the architecture building or the rational comprehensive urban design.
Students are given a method that, contrary to architecture, does not make use of units of concept, of time and place but stems from a collective action, is the outcome of encounters and clashes and spreads along the fourth dimension, the temporal one. This method relates to relations, not to objects. Basic knowledge is first imparted through frontal lessons on the theoretical foundations of the urban project with reference to international literature, then students are involved in elementary exercise to read and interpret parts of cities with different characteristics. Starting from the hypothesis illustrated above, in the second part of the course a project is elaborated and inserted within a strategy to define some scenarios, to face and solve the spatial problems emerged during the analysis phase.
Strategy means the predisposition of some interrelated actions even pertaining to different levels of reflections; scenario means the formulation of hypothesis on the future transformations and their possible consequences; conceptualization means the effort of abstraction out of the “problem solving” logic to value the general implications of the issues faced; projectual action means the representation in an appropriate scale of interventions that modify the physical state of places.
Course Structure
The course is organized in lessons ex cathedra, direct experiences, meetings, seminars, workshops and, possibly, study trips.
A final workshop can be organised.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
The course content is articulated in line with its objectives.
In the first part of laboratory lesson are dedicated to the analisys of the urban and territorial system, the relations that link urban and territorial trasformations to the theories and the tools of urban planning.
In the second part of the course, frontal lessons are dedicated to the “discovery” of the urban phenomenon in its actuality and to the transmission of the tools of the urban analysis in already
urbanized areas with different characteristics: historic fabrics, recent suburbs, urban sprawl. In the third part of the course the focus is on the conceptual definition of Urban design making reference to the culture of the most important European countries and, in particular, to Italy and France.
The dynamics of elaboration, production and governance of urban design are put in evidence through the study and analysis of some case studies. The design experience is developed on an area of adequate dimensions and position within a urban system of one or more Sicilian cities and leads to the elaboration of the urban design.
Textbook Information
1. AA.VV., Cerdà. Città e territorio, Institut d’Estudis Territorials – Università di Catania, Barcellona, 2002. [5-8, 13-14, 18-25]
2. G. ASTENGO, voce Urbanistica, Enciclopedia universale dell’arte
3. G. DATO (a cura di), L'urbanistica di Haussmann: un modello impossibile?, Officina, Roma 1995. [7-34]
4. G. DEMATTEIS, C. LANZA, Le città del mondo. Una geografia urbana, UTET, Torino, 2011, cap. 2 pp. 35-56 e cap. 3 pp. 57-81, cap. 11, pp. 179 – 203 e cap. 13 pp. 217 - 225
5. P. GABELLINI, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, 2001
6. B. GABRIELLI, Il recupero della città esistente : saggi 1968-1992, Etas libri, Milano, 1993, [257-272]
7. K. LYNCH, Progettare la città. Milano, Etaslibri, 1990
8. P. INGALLINA P. (2001) Il progetto urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano, cap. 1, pp. 29 – 63
9. D. MANGIN, Ph. PANERAI, Projet urbain, Editions Parenthèses, Marseille, 1999, cap. 4 pp. 83 – 100 e cap. 7 pp. 139 – 162.
10. S. MUNARIN, V. MARTELLIANO (a cura di), Spazi, storie e soggetti del welfare. Sul ruolo delle politiche del welfare state nella costruzione della città, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2012. pp. 9 - 24, 75 - 88, 131 - 142.
11. F. C. NIGRELLI, Percorsi del Progetto urbano in Francia e in Italia 1960-1997, Officina Edizioni, Roma, 1999, cap. 4, pp. 212 -241, conclusioni pp. 271 - 281
12. Ph. PANERAI, J. CASTEX, J. DEPAULE, Isolato urbano e città contemporanea, CittàStudi, Milano, 1981
13. C. RATTI con M. CLAUDEL, La città di domani. Come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro urbano, Giulio Einaudi editore, Torino 2017, cap. 1 pp. 5 – 12, cap. 2 pp. 13 – 19, cap. 3 pp. 20 – 29, cap. 4 pp. 33 – 40, cap. 5 pp. 41 – 50, cap. 7 pp. 65 - 74
14. M. RONCAYOLO, La città. Storia e problemi della dimensione urbana, Einaudi, Torino, 1988, cap. 1 pp. 11 – 24, cap. 2 pp. 25 – 39, cap. 4 pp. 55 - 66
15. B. SECCHI, Prima lezione di Urbanistica, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2000
16. B. SECCHI, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza Editore, Bari, 2013
17. B. ZANON, Territorio, ambiente, città. Vol. I: Temi, esperienze e strumenti dell’urbanistica contemporanea, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2008
Further readings – a selected bibliography:
18. AA.VV. Projets urbains en France, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2002
19. P. COLAROSSI e A.P. LATINI, La progettazione urbana. Vol. 2, ilSole24ore, Milano, 2008, cap. 4 pp. 433 – 473, cap. 5 pp. 475 – 566
20. P. COLAROSSI e A.P. LATINI, La progettazione urbana. Vol. 3, ilSole24ore, Milano, 2008, cap. 3 pp. 94 – 158
21. Ch. DEVILLERS, “Il progetto urbano”, in in Rassegna di Architettura e urbanistica, “Progetto urbano in Francia”, n. 110/111, ed. Kappa, Roma 2003, pp. 43-54
22. F. D’ORSO, Ecoquartiers, t. 2, ed Snal, Paris, 2014
23. B. HUET, “Il progetto urbano e la storia” in Rassegna di Architettura e urbanistica, “Progetto urbano in Francia”, n. 110/111, ed. Kappa, Roma 2003, pp. 38-42
24. P. LA GRECA, Interventi nella città consolidata: casi francesi e italiani a confronto. Documenti del DAU n. 14, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 1996
25. C. MORENO, Vie urbaine et proximité à l’heure du Covid-19, Et Après? n. 30, Éditions de L'Observatoire, Paris, 2020
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Il contesto: la dimensione del fenomeno urbano | 4, 14, 19 |
2 | Isolato Urbano | 9, 11, 12 |
3 | Elementi di analisi urbana | 9, 11, 19 |
4 | Centri storici e periferie | 5, 11, 19 |
5 | Welfare e città | 5, 10, 19 |
6 | Il progetto urbano in Europa | 8, 9, 11, 18, 21, 23, 24 |
7 | Big Data, Open Source e città | 13, 16 |
8 | Città e cambiamenti climatici | 13, 16, 20, 22 |
9 | Dati Censuari, indicatori demografici | Pdf di presentazione della lezione |
10 | Introduzione al GIS | Dispense del docente |
11 | Parametri Urbanistici | Glossario a cura del docente |
12 | Norme urbanistiche nazionali e regionali | 5, 17 e dispense del docente |
13 | Zone Territoriali Omogenee e Standards Urbanistici | 5, 17 |
14 | Il Prg e i Piani particolareggiati, evoluzione contenuti, esempi | 5, 15, 17 |
15 | La città dei 15 minuti | 25 |